
About the Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers

The first Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers took place in 1996, and is traditionally organised every two years by the Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers (CSCE) and the University of Zagreb Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology (FCET).

The last XIV Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers had more than 260 participants and 193 poster and oral presentations, with participants from Croatia, but also from Germany, Hungary, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and the United Kingdom, giving the meeting an international character.

We are looking forward seeing you on February 22 and 23, 2024!

Sections of the XV Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers

Chemical Engineering

Biochemical Engineering

Environmental engineering

Materials and product development

Applied chemistry


The official languages of the meeting are Croatian and English. Abstracts of non-Croatian participants must be submitted in English.

All participants are required to register.

Oral presentations should be up to 10 minutes, and up to 5 minutes will be allowed for discussion.

The maximum allowed poster dimensions are 80 cm × 100 cm (width × height). All posters will participate in the best poster presentation competition by default.

One of the conference logos should be placed on the posters:

Participants must use the summary template below:

Special edition of the journal Chemistry in Industry - Proceedings XV SMLKI

Deadline for submitting papers: July 1, 2024.

Instructions for preparing the paper can be found on the website:

The paper must be sent via the journal platform with the indication "paper for the special issue of KUI dedicated to the XV SMLKI" in the cover letter (

Contact: ;

Registration fee

The registration fee is 100 EUR (including VAT) by January 15, 2024, and 125 EUR (including VAT) for registrations received after January 15, 2024.

For the price of one registration fee, the participant can be the author on one oral or poster presentation, and a co-author on another. Undergraduate and graduate students can participate free with one paper.

Students should send a copy of their student identification card or equivalent to .

The deadline for registration and abstract submission is 15 December 2023. The notification of acceptance of abstracts will be sent by 31 December 2023.

Payment of the registration fee should be made as follows:

HDKI, Berislavićeva 6, Zagreb, Hrvatska

OIB: 22189855239

IBAN: HR5323600001101367680


Zagrebačka banka d. d. Zagreb

with notification: XV SMLKI


The Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers is held in the lecture halls of the University of Zagreb Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology. Lectures will be held in the lecture hall (MKV-19) at Trg Marka Marulića 19 and in the Prelog lecture hall (MKV-20) at Trg Marka Marulića 20. Poster presentation will be held in the lecture halls MKM-19 and MKM-20.

Organizing committee

Chair: Željka Ujević Andrijić

Secretary: Andreja Žužić

Members of the Organizing committee:

Marin Kovačić

Dajana Kučić Grgić

Ana Petračić

Marko Sejdić

Monika Šabić Runjavec

Anita Šalić

Lara Štorga

Andrej Vidak

Krunoslav Žižek

International members of the Organizing commitee:

Stevo Lavrnić (University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy)

Albin Pintar (National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia)

Elena Simone (Polytechnic University of Turin, Turin, Italija)


For further information contact the Meeting secretary Andreja Žužić via email: